Our goal is to utilize solar energy in profitable, safe and sustainable projects.
We recommend solar power plants and small plants of solar power* for investors or for landowners who would like a long-term investment of at least 25 years.
*In case of a small power plant, we mean a power plant producing electricity with a nominal performance capacity of less than 0.5 MW, specified in Section 4 (1) of Act LXXXVI. of 2007 on Electric Energy.
You do not have to be an energy expert as an investor if you choose a reliable partner with expertise and professional experience managing the entire process from licensing to implementation
The establishment of a solar power plant is a complex process comprised of several steps and connecting the know-how of several professional fields, usually taking one - one and a half year.
There is no extra steps for our Clients, no need to employ extra people or to become the expert of the topic to achieve a sucessful project.
The handover system ensures the annual fixed yield of projects. After the ten years of return on capital, the systems continue to operate even for 30 years.
Small power solar plants contribute to the saving of an annual quantity of 350,000 kg CO2-emission on Earth, and have a positive effect on climate change.